Issues and Beliefs
Responsible and Ethical Government
I believe government should start with the protection of our God-given rights, not the wishes of special interest groups or the goals of bureaucrats. Few good things happen behind closed doors, which is why I will work to ensure greater transparency in your local government. As a business owner and former Mayor, I know what it takes to run a successful and economically sound operation. If elected, I will work to modernize and streamline operations to maximize efficiency and save taxpayers money.

Lower Property Taxes
You work hard for your money, and you deserve to know how your tax dollars are being spent - and you should be able to trust your local government to spend them wisely. Tarrant County residents and business owners are being taxed out of their homes and properties. One of my biggest goals as County Judge will be to ensure responsible budget management and lower taxes to provide much-needed property tax relief to Tarrant County taxpayers and businesses.

Public Safety
I am proud to support our local law enforcement leaders and will work to ensure they have the resources and support they need to keep our streets safe. I will continue to support recent county efforts that focus on rehabilitation to decrease repeat offenses. One of the tenets of public safety is protecting our families and our children from drug and human trafficking. We must do everything we can to ensure the safety of our children and our schools, which is why I strongly support efforts to enhance security measures in our schools and hire additional School Resource Officers.
I am honored to have been endorsed by the following law enforcement professionals/organizations:
Arlington Police Association
Fort Worth Police Officers Association
Tarrant County Law Enforcement Association
Combined Law Enforcement Agencies of Texas (CLEAT)
Tarrant County Sheriff Bill Waybourn
Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Sharen Wilson
Multiple Constables and Law Enforcement Professionals

Promoting high-quality business growth and development is a major part of ensuring Tarrant County's future success. As County Judge, I will work with local leaders to retain current businesses, support small businesses, and attract new business development that enhances our county. I will work hard to bring in more high-quality jobs and keep Tarrant County working.

Eliminate Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying
Using taxpayer money to lobby for more government spending and higher taxes is wrong. I will work to eliminate taxpayer-funded lobbying in Tarrant County. These dollars are often used to promote policies or ideas that are in direct opposition to the best interests of Tarrant County taxpayers. Your tax dollars should not be used to hire expensive Austin or Washington lobbyists to help push political and bureaucratic pet projects, growing the size of government at every level. I will be a strong advocate for banning this practice in Tarrant County government and will work with our legislators to pursue a statewide ban, as well.

Infrastructure and Roads
Safe and smooth transportation is a critical component in ensuring the success and growth of our county. I will ensure our infrastructure and roads are well-maintained while working toward the most cost-efficient solutions. High quality should not be synonymous with high costs. I will always strive for the best solution for the lowest possible cost.

Truth and Freedom
I believe in the American Dream. I believe our nation is exceptional. I believe we were founded by God-fearing men who knew the dangers of overreaching, tyrannical government. I believe we stand on the shoulders of the brave men and women who came before us - laying their lives on the line so that we could experience freedom. They believed our nation and the freedoms enumerated in our Constitution were worth fighting for. And I believe that the relentless attack on our freedom, our history, and the truth threatens the very core of who we are as a nation. As County Judge, I will stand up the values we hold in Tarrant County. Truth is not relative. I will always speak up for truth, fight for our freedoms, stand for our flag, and support the very rights our nation was founded upon.

Emergency Management
As Tarrant County Judge, I will use emergency management powers wisely. Not only will I work hard to protect the residents of Tarrant County from crisis, but I will do so in a transparent and disciplined way. For too long, local politicians have abused their powers. I will ensure Tarrant County operates its emergency management powers in a responsible and transparent manner.
I pledge to never shut down churches or businesses. We will use public service announcements and cooperation and information sharing with local government entities.

Election Integrity
Guarding the security of our ballot box and guaranteeing the legitimacy of our elections is fundamental to preserving a free society. On my first day in office, I will seek to create an “Election Integrity Officer” position within Tarrant County who would be responsible for overseeing election processes.
This position would be selected by a committee including the Sheriff, the County Judge, and a designated County Commissioner as voted on by the full Commissioners Court. The Election Integrity Officer will also seek to find and uncover election fraud. Any election fraud discovered by the Election Integrity Officer would be reported to the Sheriff and the District Attorney and prosecuted as the DA sees fit. I believe installing the position is critical in ensuring a true and fair vote for everyone in future elections.