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"It is my great honor to fully endorse a truly great gentleman, Tim O'Hare, who is running for County Judge in Tarrant County. Tim is strong on Crime, the Borders, our Second Amendment, and loves our Great Military and Vets. Texas is lucky to have him- he will never let you down, and he will always be fair. Tim O'Hare has my Complete and Total Endorsement."

-President Donald J. Trump

"Tim is a strong advocate for the conservative values that have made Texas such a success. He believes in supporting law enforcement, lowering property taxes, & supporting our booming economy."

- Governor Greg Abbott

"Tim O'Hare is the experienced, trusted, common-sense, principled leader Tarrant County needs. When you think Tarrant, think Tim."

-Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick

""Tim O'Hare has the fiscal integrity and Conservative principles that Tarrant County taxpayers need and deserve. As County Judge, Tim will move county government away from bureaucratic waste and make it lean and responsive to taxpayers while making public safety a top priority."

- Sid Miller, Texas Agriculture Commissioner

"Tim O'Hare would make an outstanding Judge for Tarrant County. I've known Tim for years and can attest to his solid work ethic and commitment to servant leadership. He is a strong supporter of law enforcement and fighting crime. We can trust Tim to keep Tarrant County residents safe. He is honest, respectful, and the best choice for conservative fiscal management. I wholeheartedly endorse Tim for County Judge."

-Sharen Wilson, Tarrant County District Attorney

"Tim O'Hare has my full support in his campaign for County Judge. I've known Tim for many years and have come to know him as a man of integrity and vision. His long history of successful leadership and his commitment to accountability, transparency, and fiscal conservatism make him the best person for this important job. Join me in supporting Tim O'Hare for Tarrant County Judge."

-Sheriff Bill Waybourn

"It is my honor to endorse Tim O'Hare to be the next Tarrant County Judge. Tim is a man of God, a common-sense Conservative and someone of strong convictions. Tarrant County needs Tim and his commitment to lowering taxes, defending the Constitution, supporting law and order and standing up for American values."

-Pastor Rafael Cruz

"I am proud today to join hundreds of hardworking conservatives that support and endorse Tim O'Hare for Tarrant County Judge."

-Kenny Marchant, fomrer Congressman (TX-24)

"I have enjoyed the privilege of working with Tim O'Hare in many settings over the past several years. What you get with Tim is a man of integrity, passion, and a willingness to do what is right even in the face of opposition. If Tim makes a promise, I know I can count on Tim to keep his word."

-Pastor Doug Page, First Baptist Church Grapevine

"Tim O'Hare is a man of great character. I have complete confidence Tim will make an exceptional County Judge, and that he will lead with the utmost commitment to honesty and accountability. As someone who has committed my career to protecting religious liberty, I would be thrilled to have Tim in office, because I know he will always do all in his power to defend the religious liberty of all Americans."

-Kelly Shackelford, President and CEO of First Liberty Institute

"I am honored to endorse Tim O’Hare for Tarrant County Judge. He is a devoted God-fearing husband and father and a leader in both his church and community. Dedicated in his commitment to the Constitution, limited government, the rule of law, and traditional historic Judeo-Christian values, he is a proven leader--the right leader for Tarrant County."

-David Barton, Founder of Wallbuilders

"I've known Tim O'Hare for more than 15 years. There's no finer man, or Lone Star State patriot, to be found anywhere. When important decisions have to be made for Tarrant want Tim O'Hare making them."

-Jon-David Wells, long-time DFW Conservative Talk Radio Host

"I've known Tim O'Hare for years. He's been a consistent warrior for conservative principles and the rule of law. He would be a fantastic leader for Tarrant County."

Chris Salcedo, veteran television and WBAP radio broadcaster, author and political analyst

"Tim O'Hare is a true servant leader. He has demonstrated this time and time again with his family his business and in his public service. I trust Tim to serve his constituents with the highest degree of integrity and character."

Chad Hennings, Super Bowl Champion, Air Force Veteran, & Dallas Cowboys alum

"Restoring Liberty in America begins at the County level and Tim O'Hare is exactly the kind of patriot we need leading the effort to make Tarrant County a City ona Hill example for the rest of the Nation."
-Rick Green, former Texas Representative

"I am excited to support Tim O'Hare for Tarrant County Judge. Having known Tim for many years now- I know he has the skills, the experience, and the passion to do this job well. Under his leadership, Tarrant County will lead the state in championing conservative principles. Tim O'Hare will make a great County Judge."

-Matt Krause, State Representative District 93

“Tim will bring fresh viewpoints and attitudes to county government. His background and experience make him the best choice for our taxpayers.”

-Tom Wilder, District Clerk

"We've seen the importance of County Judge over this past year and how the decisions made by that office have direct impact on every citizen in the county. We need leadership that isn't afraid to make the tough decisions and that will not waiver in the face of opposition. Tim O'Hare is exactly the kind of man of integrity that will help lead Tarrant County to new levels of success by allowing liberty to be the rule instead of the exception."

-Dr. Randy Robbins, Southlake City Council

"Now more than ever, we need unapologetic leaders willing to fight for us in Tarrant County. Tim O’Hare has a proven record of successful leadership and service to our community. I am proud to support him for Tarrant County Judge."

-Callie Rigney, Colleyville City Council Place 6

"I am thrilled Tim has announced he is running for County Judge and am enthusiastically endorsing him for this position. His patience, integrity and ability to lead are qualities needed to successfully oversee the Tarrant County Commissioners Court. Having worked closely with Tim, I know he will bring a calm demeanor, a willingness to listen, and will always look out for the best interests of the citizens in this county. It is a true honor to provide him my unwavering support."

-Cam Bryan, CISD School Board Trustee

“I’m honored to endorse Tim O’Hare for Tarrant County Judge. Tim has a distinguished record of public service that positions him well to serve our county as its highest elected official. His fiscal conservatism, legal expertise, and sterling character are precisely what our county needs at this critical time. Tim will ask the hard questions and make the difficult decisions to keep our county government transparent and accountable to the tax payers. I have no doubt that Tim will make an outstanding county judge.”

-Hannah Smith, CISD School Board Trustee

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